Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Author Biography: Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is the author of bestselling books, “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t” and “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action”. He was born in Wimbledon, England and currently resides in New York. He received his BA in cultural anthropology from Brandeis University and is now a author and motivational speaker. He has worked for many major ad agencies and currently is a staff member at the think tank RAND corporation. Through his research and experiences he has found many patterns of what kinds of environments people perform the best in. His Ted Talks are some of the most watched on the Ted Talks website. Additionally, he has been invited to give talks at many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Through his talks and writing he hopes to bring positive change which will allow employees to go home satisfied after each day. His optimistic ideas have inspired many to take action and create work environment that align with basic human needs.

Works Cited:

Simon Sinek. (n.d.). Retrieved December 15, 2014, from https://www.startwithwhy.com/Portals/0/Bio and Press Kit/simon_bio_long_2014.pdf

Simon Sinek Ted Talk:

How Great Leaders Inspire Action:


Why Good Leaders Make you Feel Safe:


Author Information:


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